What is MindSmith Thinking?

MindSmith Thinking, or MST, is a form of coaching and therapy that focusses on understanding your core beliefs and challenging any mindset that is limiting you in being able to enjoy your life to the fullest. Incorporating elements of CBT, REBT, Humanistic Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as well as some elements unique to MST, MST can help you to overcome depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and help you to recover from trauma. Not only can MST help you to overcome mental health issues; it can also be harnessed as the MST Thinking system to help individuals and business fulfil their potential. By understanding where our thoughts and behaviours originate, you can learn the skills to overcome adversity and have a better outlook on life. By using our simple but life-changing skills, you’ll find yourself able to view life through a different lens, interact with others in a more helpful way and find yourself.

About Me

After completing a degree in Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy, I joined the police and began a career that would last over thirty years. There, I trained others and worked closely with individuals as both a problem solver and performance coach, amongst other roles. I began to learn about emotional intelligence - but more deeply- the power our beliefs had on our behaviour. I was fortunate to work in a range of diverse roles across the police; in doing so I met many people from a huge range of backgrounds. This gave me an understanding about the complexities of people, cultures and organisations.

Seven years before I was due to retire from the police, I was on a beach in Antigua with my wife when I met a very talented Executive Coach, who quickly advised me that this was a career I should pursue. At the same time, I found that in my work as a Detective Inspector I was finding that there was increasing demand for solutions to mental health and managing resilience. After retiring, I undertook a great deal of clinical training in mental health and hypnotherapy: especially CBT and REBT and the benefits that had to offer. I wanted to help people develop their knowledge of the influences on their thinking. From here I broadened my understanding by constantly seeking out new knowledge and ways in which I could help others. What I discovered was that the difference between situations that become a struggle and lifelong adversity was actually knowledge- or rather a lack of it- and by allowing people to have a stronger understanding so that they could re-focus their perspective and help people to overcome even the most challenging situations.

In my work, I began to apply my research to creating real techniques that people could use every day. My aim was not to provide year after year of talking therapy; instead I wanted to teach clients the skills to manage their own behaviours and show people how understanding the mind and the frameworks that underpin it can revolutionise your thinking and- in turn- your behaviour. I have seen tremendous growth in those I have worked with, as individuals have began to realise that internal understanding holds the key to your emotional freedom. I learnt that just as we can make individuals thrive, we make cultures thrive and organisations do the same. 

What Services Does MST Offer?

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Whether in my Plymouth location or online, my 1:1 coaching solution offers intensive, revolutionary therapy to help you to overcome your challenges. If you are currently struggling with your mental health, dealing with a difficult life circumstance or are looking for guidance to help you meet your potential, my 1:1 coaching sessions could be exactly what you need. Unlike conventional therapy, most of my clients only require around 6-8 sessions to notice revolutionary change, so this is not a life-long commitment, and you’ll see results fast.

  • Group Coaching

    My group coaching has proved incredibly popular with business, schools and universities. Whether you would like me to lead a workshop or presentation, offer a 4 week coaching course or work with groups of individuals separately, MST business solutions can help your business. I teach resilience, communication skills, leadership skills and professional growth in order to support your team to thrive in these challenging times. By helping individuals to better understand mind management, together we can build a happier, healthier team that works together in harmony.

  • Executive Consultancy

    MST Executive Coaching is a support package for Executives designed to help them navigate the challenges of senior roles, with a deeper understanding of how consistency in leadership, value pursuit, and performance is achieved and maintained. This is the perfect program for individuals looking for advice and support on leading thoughtfully to create a healthy culture in their business; as well as wanting themselves to be the best possible leader.

Unlock the Optimum, by Changing Perspectives.


Will MST Coaching help me?

There’s no ignoring the fact: you get what you put in. I can give you all the tools and ideas you need for success, and you need to apply it and commit to bettering your understanding of yourself. With work, honesty and commitment, you can see some radical changes.

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, CBT is a type of therapy that can help you to manage your emotions and problems by challenging the way you think. In REBT, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, we concentrate on understanding how beliefs create thoughts and responses and how they can be adapted. MST MST gives you a deeper understanding of the influences on thinking, how perspective is formed and how it is influenced by emotion. It allows you to overhaul the system that has created the way you understand the world.

How can I fix my anxiety?

‘Fix’ is perhaps not the way to look at dealing with anxiety, and instead its often more helpful to consider how you can control and rationalise your anxious feelings. In MST, the focus is on finding where anxiety stems from and what our core issues are in order to challenge and re-frame them when anxiety is present.

Why doesn’t therapy work for some people?

For many people talking about about trauma and difficult experiences and emotions does not solve the problem. In MST we help you change your perspective on situations so you can deal with them differently. People find that this is something they already do, they just do it inconsistently. 

How can MST help my business?

Serving Plymouth, Devon and beyond, my most business courses have helped many businesses and can be tailored to your needs. From resilience, communication and adversity training to helping your teams deal with stress and organisation; using our methods can be hugely beneficial for businesses, universities and other groups.

Is business training and development worth it?

All problems start with thinking and all solutions start with thinking. In business helping people understand this neglected area of knowledge will pay you back in dividends. It helps with resilience, collaboration and productivity.  It also helps leaders in the way they develop cohesive culture, solve people problems and improve in the way they deal with challenging relationships, politics and deliver better performance.